Everything’s About To Change
We’ve written in past blogs about the pivotal nature of the moment facing labor unions and progressive organizations. This blog is a little different. This is the start of a story. One that […]
Scale & Pace in Organizing
The story began on Tuesday, November 7th, 2000. I was a college student, newly awakened to the importance of politics, hunched forward on my sofa as the results of the presidential election rolled […]
America’s Organizing Renaissance
We are at the beginning of an organizing groundswell like we haven’t seen in decades. Working people are showing their courage, taking fights straight to America’s most ubiquitous corporations— and they’re winning. Success […]
Machine Learning and Progressive Organizing — NOW Is The Time
The quality of life for working people in America has been in sharp decline for years, and now the situation is untenable. The vast majority of people are caught in a chokehold between […]